Audrey was having a run of bad luck. First of all her box of Cadbury's Roses had no Caramel Barrels! Terrible! Then , whilst out jogging, in an effort to burn off the calories she had just consumed, the cold air went up her nose and made her eyes water! Appalling! Next she discovered that she could not get last weeks episode of Holby City on her TV catch up service! Disastrous! The final straw came when trying to cut a piece of sellotape, the sellotape stuck to the scissors! Calamity! Audrey decided quite rationally that there can only be one explanation for this current misfortune-she had accidentally crocheted a blanket of doom! aaargghhh!
Now there are some people who do not believe in such things but Audrey had BTEC National Diploma in Pottery and was confident of her natural instincts.
Audrey kindly sent the blanket of doom to us-if we were the type to worry about such things we would be rather offended by a blatant attempt to pass doom onto another being but , we are not, so we are not.
Lovely Filet Crochet blanket in yellow acrylic.
I have just found this Blog, How Wonderful, Tee Hee, count me as a now regular follower. I support your Good and Valiant work with the neglected and the rejected :)